After several days of heavy rain, we were blessed with a bright, crisp, cool day. The sun shone down through the Douglas Fir trees as 17 volunteers gathered on the Red Alder Trail for our first invasive pull of 2024. We focused our efforts just West of Matheson Heights Co-op, adjacent to our recently planted Native Food Forest along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver.
After a welcome from Free the Fern President, Erin Knock, in the Douglas Fir Teaching Garden our volunteers moved down the trail to begin removing invasive Himalayan blackberry & English ivy.
Together, we succeeded in removing 2,760 L (9 city green bins) of invasive plants. After a break to enjoy some tea, hot chocolate, and cookies, we returned for some more invasive removal and planting. Together we planted 22 native plants, including thimbleberry, salmonberry, prairie rose, blue elderberry, and black twinberry. These plants were generously donated from Green Streets Vancouver.
Thank you so much to our amazing volunteers for helping: Anne, Annette, Antone, Barbara, Carla, Catherine, Ellie, Erin, Genesis, Grace, Jeannine, Liam, Lucy, Martin, Norman, Patrick, and Tom.
This event was funded by Park People.