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Invasive Pull – June 1, 2024

Today, it was a light misty rain. But, spirits were not dampened at our monthly Invasive Pull.

11 volunteers gathered at the Douglas Fir Teaching Garden. We began with a welcome in a circle, which included each volunteer offering a body stretch. It was a nice chance to get to know each other and ready our bodies for invasive pulling.

Today, we worked in two contingents along the Red Alder Trail:

  1. Himalayan blackberry regrowth removal in the Food Forest (led by Free the Fern President, Erin Knock)
  2. Common nipplewort removal (led by Exectuive Director, Grace Nombrado).

With the Spring, we have seen wonderful new growth in the native plants we have planted along the trail. But, also a resurgence of invasive plants. So, we got to work, digging out the radiating root balls of the Himalayan blackberry and hand-pulling the shallow roots of the common nipplewort.

All told we suceeded in removing 720 L of invasive plants!

Thanks so much to our amazing volunteers: Ali, Antone, Catherine, Cole, Dana, Erin, Grace, Jeannine, Luis, Liam, and Sylvia.

Note: This is the last Invasive Pull before our summer break in July & August. We hope everyone has a great summer, and we hope to see many of you again when we recommence our monthl Invasive Pulls on Saturday, September 7.