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Summer Weaving Workshop

On Saturday, August 13, 2022, Grace & Joe led an outdoor Weaving with Ivy workshop beside our beautiful Douglas FIr Teaching Garden. 9 participants gathered on a refreshingly cool August morning to learn a new skill together.

After everyone introduced themselves, Joe & Grace led the group up the trail to collect fresh ivy vines for weaving. The thicker, woody vines were collected to be used as stakes, while the greener more flexible vines were collected to be used as weavers.

After enjoying a brief snack break with tea and cookies, Joe & Grace demonstrated the twining weaving technique. Everyone followed along and began weaving their own unique baskets.

Joe & Grace circulated around and provided 1 on 1 support as needed. All participants were able to follow the technique and complete an original basket by the end of the two hour workshop.

We will be running another weaving workshop in October as part of our Grow Wild! Planting and Art Weekend (more details to come soon).