On Saturday, September 24, 2022, Free the Fern President, Martin Collins, hosted a Weed & Feed event west of Alexander Laidlaw Housing Co-op, on the Red Alder Trail.

18 volunteers came out to help with removing a large thicket of Himalayan blackberry. We succeeded in filling 7 green bins worth of invasives and collected two bags of garbage and one bag of recycling. We made space for the native plants growing nearby: Indigenous plum, red huckleberry, vine maple, Oregon grape, and snowberry. We also cut climbing ivy that was scaling a Red Alder tree and trimmed back the Himalayan blackberry trailing up a Western Red Cedar. With the area clear of invasives, we will be able to plant many native plants during our Grow Wild! community planting event on October 22.

Following the invasive removal, our volunteers enjoyed a short tour of the area by Martin Collins. He pointed out the native plants and trees that we had planted last fall. Most of these plants are doing quite well, despite the dry, hot summer we have had.
Everyone then gathered for a wonerful lunch, prepared by Martin’s wife, Joyce. Funding for the lunch was provided by a Neighbourhood Small Grant. We enjoyed a mexican lunch of chili, rice, and nachos. Following which we celebrated our recent incorpartion as a not-for-profit society with a delicious vanilla buttercream cake.
Thank you to our amazing volunteers and organizers: Martin, Joyce, Grace, Barbara, Jo-Ann, Ruby, Robin, Kevin, Darlene, Marie, John, Tom, Mya, Joe, Paola, Antone, Erin, Liam, and Connor.