Upcoming Events
We organize a variety of free community events, including:
Invasive Pulls & Plantings
Workshops & Walks
Festivals & Special Events
Invasive Pull
Saturday, April 5, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
Volunteer and help remove invasive species from along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver. Gloves, tools, and snacks provided! All agest welcome.

Native Plant Sale
Saturday, April 12, 10am-12pm
Kinross Creek Co-op Common Room (8001 Curate Wynd, Vancouver)
Join us for our 2nd annual native plant sale! We will have a variety of native plants.
3.5″ pot $6 / 1 gal $14
All money raised will go towards our Free the Fern stewardship effort.

Earth Fest
Saturday, April 26, 11am-3pm
Everett Crowley Park, Vancouver
Join us at Everett Crowley Park for Earth Fest! We will have a table with nature crafts. Enjoy other fun sustainability-themed booths and family friendly activities! Organized by the Everett Crowley Park Committee.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, May 3, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
Volunteer and help remove invasive species from along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver. Gloves, tools, and snacks provided! All agest welcome.

Seeding Stewardship Fair
Saturday, May 3, 10am-2pm
Free the Fern will have a table at this event. Come meet us and explore other booths hosted by the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Park Board, and nonprofit groups passionate about preserving and enhancing our public spaces.

Global Big Day Bird Walk
Saturday, May 10, 9am-11:00am
Champlain Heights Community Centre
Whether you are a new or experienced birder, join the Everett Crowley Park Committee, Free the Fern, and our experienced bird facilitators for a bird walk in Everett Crowley Park & the Red Alder Trail.

Eco-Art Fest
Saturday, June 28, 10am-2pm
Save the date for our Eco-Art Fest! We will be inviting 7 artists who use plants and upcycled material to create art together with the community. Weaving, braiding, printmaking, paper pulp making and more! There will also be a performance by the Coastal Wolf Pack & complimentary bannock & jam. More info about artists to come!
Events Calendar
Upcoming Free the Fern events are posted in our calendar below.
To see information about past Free the Fern events, including videos, please scroll down below the calendar
Past Events
Bird Walk
Saturday, March 29, 10am-11:30am
Birder, Chris Ensing, and co-lead, Cole Reintsma, led a birding walk along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver. 11 participants joined the walk
Forage & Salve
Saturday , March 15, 10am-12pm
8001 Curate Wynd, Vancovuer BC
Outdoor educator, Kristen Penhall, shared how to make a salve using local plants. Each participant made their own salve to take home. Then, we went on a foraging walk along the Red Alder Trail.
All About Mason Bees
Tuesday, March 11, 7:30-8:30pm
8001 Curate Wynd, Vancovuer BC
Mason beekeeper, Amanda Stevenson, shared All About Mason Bees. Mason bees are solitary, have no hive to defend, are very gentle and rarely sting!

Invasive Pull
Saturday, March 1, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
12 volunteers helped remove 960 L of invasive periwinkle and Himalayan blackberry from along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver.

Places that Matter Community Fair
Sunday, February 23, 11am-3pm
Free the Fern partcipated in the Vancouver Heritage Foundation for the 8th Annual Places That Matter Community Celebration!
Held at Heritage Hall, it was an all-ages community fair with table displays, items for sale, and crafts. Free the Fern shared about our stewardship effort and made pressed leaf bookmarks.

Mushroom Felting
Saturday, February 15, 10am-12pm
8001 Curate Wynd, Vancovuer BC
Local felter, Anna Bondartchouk, led a MushrooM Felting workshop. Anna demonstrated how to create an Amanita muscaria mushroom out of felt. 18 participants enjoyed learning together as a community.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, February 1, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
18 volunteers helped remove 1,080 L of invasive species along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver.

Buds, Branches, & Bark
Saturday, January 18, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
BCIT Instructor, Julia Alards-Tomalin, led a winter plant walk. Julia shared how to identify plants by looking at their buds, branches and bark.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, January 4, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
14 volunteers helped remove 660 L of invasive Himalayan blackberry & periwinkle from along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver.

Light up the Night in Champlain Heights
Saturday, Dec 15, 6:30-7:30m
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden (east of 3530 Swasacre)
4th annual Light up the Night in Champlain Heights festival. On Dec 15 at 6:30pm, we met at the Douglas Fir Teaching Garden for a lantern procession along the Red Alder Trail, led by the Carnival Band. There were lanterns, created by community members and local artists, on display. After the procession, we had hot chocolate and cookies. This event was organized in partnership with the Everett Crowley Park Committee with funding provided by Neighbourhood Small Grants & Park People.

Ivy Basket Lantern Workshop
Sunday, Dec 8, 1-3pm
Champlain Heights Community Centre
We made a basket lantern using invasive ivy. The lantern will be Illuminated with an LED tea light and can be carried at our Light up the Night in Champlain Heights festival on Dec 15.
Organized by Free the Fern & Everett Crowley Park Committee with funding from NSG & Park People.

Globe Lantern Workshop
Sunday, Dec 8, 10am-12pm
Champlain Heights Community Centre
We made a globe lantern, using a balloon, tissue paper, pressed leaves, and glue! The lantern will be Illuminated with an LED tea light and can be carried at our Light up the Night in Champlain Heights festival on Dec 15.
Organized by Free the Fern & Everett Crowley Park Committee with funding from NSG & Park People.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, Dec 7, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
18 volunteers helped remove invasive wild chervil and periwinkle along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver.

Making Friends with Fungi Walk
Saturday, Nov 16, 10am-12pm
DIY Mushroom Cultivation author, Willoughby Arévalo, led participants on a walk, encountering and observing fungi with multiple senses. Willoughby shared basic principles of mushroom identification and pointed out some of the most ecologically impactful, edible, medicinal and toxic species.

Artist Collaboration for Lantern Making
Wed, Nov 13, 7-9pm
Champlain Heights Community Centre
10 partner artists gathered to learn lantern making techniques and begin creating lanterns for our Light up the Night in Champlain Heights Festival. Lead artist, Joshua Ralph, helped fascilitate the collaboration.
This event is organized in partnership with the Everett Crowley Park Committee. Funding provided by Neighbourhood Small Grants & Park People.

Ivy Weaving Workshop
Sunday, Nov 10, 10am-12pm
Champlain Heights Community Centre
Local weaver, Joe Boyd, taught participants how to turn invasive ivy into a basket. This workshop was organized in a partnership between the Everett Crowley Park Committee & Free the Fern.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, Nov 2, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
16 volunteers helped remove 360 L of invasive wild chervil along the Red Alder Trail. They also planted 40 native plants as part of our stewardship effort.

Healing Forest Planting
Sunday, Oct 20, 2pm-4pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
33 volunteers helped us plant 600 native plants along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver. Volunteers also enjoyed fresh baked bannock by Elder in Residence, Marge Wylie.
The Coastal Wolf Pack was postponed for a later date, due to heavy rain.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, Oct 5, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
24 Volunteers helped remove 1,380 L of invasive species along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver in preparation for our upcoming planting event.

Crabapple Jelly & Blackberry Jam Workshop
Saturday, Sept 21, 10am-12pm
8001 Curate Wynd, Vancouver BC
Elder in Residence, Marge Wylie, led a jam and jelly making workshop. We learned how to create delicious crabapple jelly and blackberry jam. In addition, we sampled a variety of jams on a fresh baked bannock.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, Sept 7, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
18 volunteers helped remove 2,160 L of invasive ivy and blackberry on the Red Alder Trail.

Nature is for Everyone
Annual General Meeting
Saturday, Aug 31, 10am-11:30am
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
Guest speaker, Laura Meehan (Wild Outside) shared how to help connect youth with nature. We also shared successes for our stewardship year, acknolwedged some special community members, approved our new EDI Policy, and welcomed 3 new board directors!

Saturday, June 22, 10am-1pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, South Vancouver
In honour of Indigenous History Month and Pride Month.
We will met in the beautiful Douglas Fir Teaching Garden (east of 3530 Swanscare) – designated as a Healing Forest by the David Suzuki Foundation.
BioDIVERSITY included a welcome blessing, two-spirit history talk, sharing of bannock & jam, nature journaling, a bird walk, and a complimentary lunch.
With funding and support provided by QMUNITY, Neighbourhood Small Grants, & Park People.

Champlain Heights Summer Fair
Saturday, June 15, 11am-3pm
Champlain Heights Community Centre
The Champlain Heights Community Association is organized their annual family-friendly Champlain Heights Summer Fair! Event included live entertainment, inflatables, consession stand, & community booths. Free the Fern was happy to have a booth there!

Invasive Pull
Saturday, June 1, 10am-12pm
Douglas Fir Teaching Garden, Vancouver
11 volunteesr helped remove invasive species along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver.

Healing Salve Workshop
Saturday, May 25, 1pm-3pm
8001 Curate Wynd, Vancouver
Metis herbalist and educator, Lori Snyder, taught a healing salve workshop. Together we learned about plants and their healing properties.

Ivy Paper Making
Saturday, May 25, 10am-12pm
8001 Curate Wynd, Vancouver
Artists, Elena Kirby and Masumi Rodriguez, shared their knowledge of paper making with invasive plants. Together, we learned how to break down ivy fiber into pulp and transform it into paper.

Invasive Pull + Planting
Saturday, May 4, 10am-12pm
Volunteer and help remove invasive species along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver. We will also be planting some native species. Gloves, bright vests, snacks, drinks, and tools provided! All ages and abilities welcome!

Earth Fest at Everett Crowley Park
Saturday, April 27, 11am-3pm
Free the Fern and other local environmental groups gathered for the 24th annual Earth Fest organized by the Everett Crowley Park Committee.

Native Plant Sale
Saturday, April 20, 10am-12pm
We had an amazing plant sale! We were able to sell 199 native shade and sun plants to the public. All remaining plants will be planted along the Champlain Heights Trail as part of our stewardship effort.
We hope to do another sale next year!

Invasive Pull
Saturday, April 6, 10am-12pm
23 volunteers gathered to remove 1,320 L of invasive ivy and Himalayan blackberry from the Red Alder Trail.

Free the Fern + Wild Outside Youth Event
March 26 + March 27, 11am-3pm
WILD Outside and Free the Fern,
partnered for a youth event focusing on restoring
the ecology of Red Alder Trail in
Champlain Heights. 4 youth (ages 15-18) and 2 leaders successfully removed 500 L of invasive plants and participated in an invasive plant walk.

Cedar Bracelet Weaving
Saturday, March 16, 10am-12pm
xwmәθkwәy̓әm cedar weaver and natural wool dyer, Rita Kompst, taught us how to make a woven cedar bracelet. Rita shared how weaving can be an act of healing.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, March 2, 10am-12pm
16 volunteers helped invasive plants along Red Alder Trail, South Vancouver. We succeeded in clearing 2400L of invasive ivy, blackberry, and Daphne.

Douglas Fir Watercolour Workshop
Saturday, February 24, 10am-11:30am
Artist, Marisa Phal, led a free Douglas Fir Watercolour Workshop. Together, we practiced the art of noticing and explored painting as a way to tune into the present moment. Beam paint supplies were provided.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, February 3, 10am-12pm
20 volunteers gathered for an Invasive Pull + planting on the Red Alder Trail. We removed 7 city green bins (2,160 L) of invasive plants and planted 25 native shrubs.

Buds, Branches & Bark Walk
Saturday, January 20, 10am-12pm
BCIT Forest Resources Faculty, Julia Alards-Tomalin, led a winter walk along the Red Alder Trail. Julia shared tips on native plant ID from her award-winning work.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, January 6, 10am-12pm
17 volunteers gathered to remove invasive plants along the Red Alder Trail. We removed 2,760 L of invasives and planted 22 native plants.

Light up the Night in Champlain Heights
Sunday, Dec 17 , 6:30pm-7:30pm
Approximately 125 locals gathered on the Red Alder Trail for our third annual Light up the Night in Champlain Heights. 10 artists partnered to create lanterns along the trail. The Carnival Band led a procession. Complimentary hot chocolate and cookies (baked by local volunteers) were enjoyed by all.

Jar Lantern Workshop
Saturday, Dec 9 , 1pm-3pm 8001 Curate Wynd, Vancouver
14 participants learned how to make a lantern, using a jar, tissue and glue! All supplies were provided for this free workshop.
Led by Free the Fern Executive Director, Grace Nombrado.

Globe Lantern Workshop
Saturday, Dec 9 , 10am-12pm 8001 Curate Wynd, Vancouver
Together, 9 participants learned how to make a globe lantern, using a balloon, tissue and glue! All supplies were provided for this free workshop.
Led by artist, Kiki Nombrado.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, Dec 2, 10am-12pm
16 volunteers helped remove 1560 L of invasive ivy, spread 50 wheelbarrows of mulch, and plant 33 native plants!

Mushroom Walk
Saturday, Nov 18, 10am-12pm
Mycologist, Cody Labossiere, lead a Mushroom Walk on the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver. 25 participants learned how to identify local mushrooms and then enjoyed some mushroom tea together.

Artist Collaboration
Wednesday, Nov 15, 7-9pm
10 artists gathered to build lanterns in preparation for our Light up the Night in Champlain Heights, winter lantern festival. Lead by artist, Joshua Ralph

Invasive Pull + Planting
Saturday, Nov 4, 10am-12pm
21 volunteers helped remove 1440 L (4 green bins) of invasive plants. We also planted 70 native plants (tall Oregon grape & ferns)

South Vancouver Harvest Festival
Saturday, Oct 28, 11:30am-2pm
Free the Fern participated in Harvest Festival, organized by South Vancouver Neighbourhood House outside David Thompson School (1755 East 55th ave)

Native Food Forest Planting
Saturday, Oct 21, 10am-12pm
58 volunteers help us plant 690 plants to create a Native Food Forest. We were also honoured with a performance by the Coastal Wolf Pack.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, Oct 7, 10am-12pm
We had 16 volunteers volunteer and we removed 1,200 L of invasive plants.

Weed & Feed
Saturday, September 16, 10am-12pm
We had an invasive pull followed by a complimentary lunch. This event was funded by Neighbourhood Small Grants.

Invasive Pull
Saturday, September 2, 10am-12pm
Help us remove invasive plants on the Red Alder trail in South Vancouver in preparation for our fall Native Food Forest Planting.

Annual General Meeting
Wed, Aug 23, 7pm Via Zoom
Join our Free the Fern Annual General Meeting. Here about our successes in 2023, elect our board of directors, and connect with others in our community who care about the environment.

Champlain Heights Summer Fair – June 17
The Champlain Heights Community Center ran their annual Summer Fair on Saturday, June 17, 2023
Free the Fern had a table set up with native plants and a craft activity.