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Types of Ferns

Our environmental stewardship group is known as “Free the Fern”, as we remove the invasive plants to free ferns and other native plants. I thought it would be fitting if I take a bit of time to introduce some of our native west coast ferns.… Read More »Types of Ferns

That is a lot of weeds!

Between January 1, 2022 and April 21, 2022: 21 people have volunteered with Free the Fern Volunteers have spent 230 hours pulling invasive weeds, raking leaves, replanting native plants, moving leaf mulch, and hosting events.  Together, we have filled 124 city green bins with invasive… Read More »That is a lot of weeds!


Over the past year, as Free the Fern volunteers have removed invasive weeds and replanted native plants along the Red Alder Trail in South Vancouver, we have also unearthed a collection of garbage artifacts. Some of them date from the 1920’s or even earlier. Prior… Read More »Artifacts

The Triangle

In February 2022 Free the Fern volunteers began to take on the challenge of clearing invasives (English ivy & Himalayan blackberry) from the Triangle. The Triangle was a large thicket of invasives where the Red Alder Trail forks, between Matheson Height’s Co-op and Cartier Place… Read More »The Triangle

Salmon Fry Release!

Today, on April 14, 2022, Brian Smith, with Fisheries and Ocean’s Canada, in partnership with the Still Moon Art’s Society, organized a Coho Salmon fry release into Still Creek at the Renfrew Ravine. The young salmon were carried in buckets by volunteers, down wooden steps… Read More »Salmon Fry Release!

BeAwair Fair

Today, on April 13, 2022, Free the Fern members Grace & Joe, were invited to present at North Vancouver School District’s BeAwair Fair 2022. This year, Carson Graham Secondary was hosting, with the vice principle, Justin Wong, as the main organizer. Over 3000 students from… Read More »BeAwair Fair

Invasive Pull & BBQ

Today, on Saturday, April 2, 2022, Free the Fern member, Martin, organized a successful invasive pull. The event took place at an area we call the “triangle”: where the Red Alder trail forks, between Cartier Place complex and Matheson Height’s Co-op. ***Please scroll to the… Read More »Invasive Pull & BBQ